-- -- Cubby's useful SQL -- -- This extracts details from the Cadis Data Porter XML -- Output: -- porter sql -- delete sql -- output table name -- Declare @PorterName varchar(250) set @PorterName = '%' select comps.Name , row_number() over (partition by [Name] order by [Name]) as seq ,dpref.value('Description[1]','nvarchar(max)') Descr ,dpref.value('Name[1]','nvarchar(max)') Name ,dpref.value('SourceDataSource[1]/Select[1]/Text[1]','nvarchar(max)') SourceSQL ,dpref.value('SourceConnection[1]/Name[1]','nvarchar(200)') SourceConnection ,dpref.value('Custom[1]/SelectedProc[1]/Name[1]','nvarchar(200)') SelectedProcess ,dpref.value('DeleteDataSource[1]/Table[1]/Name[1]','nvarchar(200)') DeleteTable ,dpref.value('Email[1]/Subject[1]','nvarchar(200)') EmailSubject ,dpref.value('External[1]/FileName[1]','nvarchar(200)') ExecutableLocation ,dpref.value('SourceFile[1]/FileName[1]','nvarchar(200)') as 'OutputFile' ,dpref.value('Targets[1]/list[1]/Item[1]/TargetConnection[1]/Name[1]','nvarchar(max)') TargetConnection ,dpref.value('Targets[1]/list[1]/Item[1]/TargetDataSource[1]/Table[1]/Name[1]','nvarchar(max)') TargetTable from CADIS_SYS.DP_DATAPORT as comps CROSS APPLY comps.DEFINITION.nodes('//CadisXml/Content/Inputs/list/Item') AS DP(dpref) where comps.Name like @PorterName order by seq
Here are some of the more useful bits of SQL I have crafted or adapted to interrogate the MARKIT EDM schema. Mostly useful for impact analysis. At the moment I am working on version 8. I can not guarantee if the SQL will work on later versions. If you do find problems let me know.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Data Porter Detail V2
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
SQL Script to use the CADIS search stored procedure
-- Using the CADIS search stored procedure so that you dont have to wait for next page -- -- Usage -- -- Options for table to include -- set @SearchStr = Set to required search string for a single quote enter 2 -- e.g. to search for 'SEDOL' set @SearchStr = N'''SEDOL''' -- -- -- Rev Who Date Change -- 01 EDDCUB First Version (set to 1000 rows output -- -- declare @searchStr nvarchar(2000) declare @searchStrLower nvarchar(2000) declare @searchComponentType int declare @Results Table (ComponentType nvarchar(200) ,compGUID nchar(500) ,identifier int ,name nvarchar(200) ,DefXml XML ,RowNumber int ,RecordCount int ) -- Component Types -- 0 DataPorter -- 1 DataInspector -- 2 DataMatcherProcess -- 3 DataMatcherInbox -- 4 DataMatcherRealign -- 5 DataConstructor -- 6 DataIllustrator -- 7 DataIllustratorTemplate -- 8 Solution -- 11 DataGeneratorFunction -- 12 DataGeneratorInbox -- 13 DataManagerFunction -- 14 DataManagerInbox -- 15 EventWatcher -- 16 ProcessLauncher -- 17 RuleBuilder -- 18 ManagementDashboard -- 21 ManagementDashboardItem -- 22 ManagementDashboardUserGroup -- 23 Archive -- 24 Diagram -- -1 All --set @searchComponentType = -1 -- All --set @searchComponentType = 0 -- DataPorter set @searchComponentType = -1 set @SearchStr = N'''SECTYPE''' SET @searchStrLower = LOWER(@SearchStr) INSERT INTO @Results ( ComponentType ,compGUID ,identifier ,NAME ,DefXml ,RowNumber ,RecordCount ) EXEC CADIS_SYS.spSearchComponentXml @SearchTerm = @searchStrLower ,@ComponentType = @SearchComponentType ,@PageNumber = 1 ,@RowsPerPage = 1000 SELECT res.* FROM @Results res INNER JOIN CADIS_SYS.CO_COMPONENT com ON com.NAME = res.ComponentType INNER JOIN CADIS_SYS.VW_ALL_PROCESSES OP ON OP.COMPONENTID = com.ID AND OP.GUID = res.compGUID order by rownumber
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
SQL to Extract Data Porters
SQL to extract Data Porters - useful for impact analysis
with cte_soln as (SELECT [SolutionName] AS [Solution Name] , CASE WHEN [ComponentName] is not null THEN [ComponentName] ELSE RuleBuilderName END AS [Component Name] , CASE WHEN [ComponentName] is not null THEN [ComponentType] WHEN RuleBuilderName is not null THEN 'RuleBuilder' END AS [Component Type] , [Description] , [xml] FROM ( SELECT nref.query('.') as [xml], nref.value('../../../Name[1]', 'nvarchar(250)') [SolutionName], nref.value('ProcessSpecification[1]/ProcessName[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') [ComponentName], nref.value('ProcessSpecification[1]/ComponentType[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') [ComponentType], nref.value('RuleBuilderName[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') RuleBuilderName, nref.value('Description[1]', 'nvarchar(4000)') [Description] FROM CADIS_SYS.CO_SOLUTION CROSS APPLY DEFINITION.nodes('//Content/Items/list/Item') AS R(nref) WHERE OBSOLETE=0 ) VW) select [Solution Name] as SolutionName,[Component Name] as ComponentName ,[Component Type] as ComponentType -- , Definition as [DataPorter] , row_number() over (partition by [Solution Name], [Component Name] order by [Solution Name], [Component Name] ) as seq ,dpref.value('SourceDataSource[1]/Select[1]/Text[1]','nvarchar(max)') SourceSQL ,dpref.value('Custom[1]/SelectedProc[1]/Name[1]','nvarchar(200)') SelectedProcess ,dpref.value('DeleteDataSource[1]/Table[1]/Name[1]','nvarchar(200)') DeleteTable ,dpref.value('Email[1]/Subject[1]','nvarchar(200)') EmailSubject ,dpref.value('External[1]/FileName[1]','nvarchar(200)') ExecutableLocation ,dpref.value('SourceFile[1]/FileName[1]','nvarchar(200)') as 'OutputFile' from cte_soln left outer join CADIS_SYS.DP_DATAPORT as comps on comps.Name = [Component Name] CROSS APPLY DEFINITION.nodes('//CadisXml/Content/Inputs/list/Item') AS DP(dpref) where [solution name] like '%' and dpref.value('SourceFile[1]/FileName[1]','nvarchar(200)') is null
SQL to extract Cadis Constructors
SQL to extract Cadis Constructor SQL
with cte_soln as (SELECT [SolutionName] AS [Solution Name] , CASE WHEN [ComponentName] is not null THEN [ComponentName] ELSE RuleBuilderName END AS [Component Name] , CASE WHEN [ComponentName] is not null THEN [ComponentType] WHEN RuleBuilderName is not null THEN 'RuleBuilder' END AS [Component Type] , [Description] , [xml] FROM ( SELECT nref.query('.') as [xml], nref.value('../../../Name[1]', 'nvarchar(250)') [SolutionName], nref.value('ProcessSpecification[1]/ProcessName[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') [ComponentName], nref.value('ProcessSpecification[1]/ComponentType[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') [ComponentType], nref.value('RuleBuilderName[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') RuleBuilderName, nref.value('Description[1]', 'nvarchar(4000)') [Description] FROM CADIS_SYS.CO_SOLUTION CROSS APPLY DEFINITION.nodes('//Content/Items/list/Item') AS R(nref) WHERE OBSOLETE=0 ) VW) select [Solution Name] as SolutionName ,[Component Name] as ComponentName ,[Component Type] as ComponentType , row_number() over (partition by [Solution Name], [Component Name] order by [Solution Name], [Component Name] ) as seq --, Definition as [DataPorter] ,Content.value('(Text)[1]', 'varchar(max)') as SourceSQL ,NULL SelectedProcess ,NULL DeleteTable ,NULL EmailSubject ,NULL ExecutableLocation ,NULL as 'OutputFile' from cte_soln left outer join CADIS_SYS.DC_CONSTRUCTION as comps on comps.Name = [Component Name] CROSS APPLY [DEFINITION].nodes('/CadisXml/Content/Inputs/list/Item/RowSource/Select') AS Tbl(Content) where [solution name] like '%' and [component type] = 'DataConstructor'
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
SQL to Extract Cadis Database Parameters from the XML Config
declare @xmlParams xml declare @name varchar (100) set @name = '%%' IF OBJECT_ID(N'[tempdb]..[#temp]') is not null drop table #temp CREATE TABLE #temp (Name nvarchar(200) ,DefinitionXml xml ,CRC nchar(1000) ,details image ) insert #temp exec CADIS_SYS.SPCO_GLOBALSELBYNAME @Name=N'Database Parameters' select @xmlParams = DefinitionXml from #temp -- select * from cadis_sys.co_global -- select @xmlParams select T.col.value('(Name)[1]','nvarchar(200)') as name ,T.col.value('Value[1]','nvarchar(2000)') as Value -- ,T.col.query('.') from @xmlParams.nodes('/CadisXml/Content/Globals/nv/list/Item') T(col) where T.col.value('(Name)[1]','nvarchar(200)') like @name or T.col.value('Value[1]','nvarchar(2000)') like @name order by 1 select T.col.value('(Name)[1]','nvarchar(200)') as name ,T.col.value('Path[1]','nvarchar(2000)') as NamePath ,T.col.value('UNCPath[1]','nvarchar(2000)') as UncPath -- ,T.col.query('.') from @xmlParams.nodes('/CadisXml/Content/Locs/list/Item') T(col) where T.col.value('(Name)[1]','nvarchar(200)') like @name or T.col.value('Path[1]','nvarchar(2000)') like @name select T.col.value('(Name)[1]','nvarchar(2000)') as ConnectionName ,T.col.value('(Info/Description)[1]','nvarchar(2000)') as Description ,T.col.value('(Info/DataSource)[1]','nvarchar(2000)') as DataSource ,T.col.value('(Info/Type)[1]','nvarchar(2000)') as ConnectionType -- ,T.col.query('.') from @xmlParams.nodes('/CadisXml/Content/Conns/list/Item') T(col) where T.col.value('(Name)[1]','nvarchar(2000)') like @name or T.col.value('(Info/Description)[1]','nvarchar(2000)') like @name drop table #temp
Thursday, 28 January 2016
SQL to show the run history of a solution/ solutions
-- -- To See the run history of a solution/ solutions -- -- Rev Who Comment -- 01 CB Optimised declare @DateFrom datetime declare @DateTo datetime declare @SolutionName nvarchar(200) declare @SolutionName2 nvarchar(200) declare @SolutionName3 nvarchar(200) set @DateFrom = dateadd(dd,-180,getdate() ) set @DateTo = NULL declare @runidFrom int select @runidFrom = MAX(runid) from CADIS_SYS.CO_PROCESSHISTORY where runstart < isnull(@DateFrom, '2099-12-31 23:59:59' ) set @SolutionName = '4 Master ' -- set @SolutionName2 = '' -- set @SolutionName3 = '' -- set @SolutionName3 = '%Industry%' ;with cte_jobs as (SELECT H1.runid, Name, datename(WeekDay,H1.RUNSTART) as StartDay -- ,datename(WeekDay,(dateadd(Hour,8,H1.RUNSTART))) as StartDaySG -- ,dateadd(Hour,8,H1.RUNSTART) as StartSG ,H1.RUNSTART, H1.RUNEND, H1.RUNSUCCESSFUL ,right('00' + convert(nvarchar(2),datename(hh,H1.RUNSTART)),2)+':' + right('00' + convert(nvarchar(2),datename(mi,H1.RUNSTART)),2) as startTime ,H1.LAUNCHEDBY --,datediff(MI,H1.RunStart, H1.RunEnd) as Duration --,datediff(SS,H1.RunStart, H1.RunEnd) as DurationSeconds ,RIGHT('0' + CAST(datediff(SS,H1.RunStart, H1.RunEnd) / 3600 AS VARCHAR),2) + ':' + RIGHT('0' + CAST((datediff(SS,H1.RunStart, H1.RunEnd) / 60) % 60 AS VARCHAR),2) + ':' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(datediff(SS,H1.RunStart, H1.RunEnd) % 60 AS VARCHAR),2) as RunDuration FROM CADIS_SYS.CO_PROCESSHISTORY H1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT * FROM CADIS_SYS.CO_PROCESSHISTORY where runid > @runidFrom and runstart > @DateFrom and runstart < isnull(@DateTo, '2099-12-31 23:59:59' ) ) H2 ON H2.COMPONENTID = H1.COMPONENTID AND H2.GUID = H1.GUID AND H2.RUNID = H1.RUNID INNER JOIN CADIS_SYS.VW_ALL_PROCESSES ap on ap.GUID = H1.GUID) select * from cte_jobs where (Name like @SolutionName or Name like @SolutionName2 or Name like @SolutionName3 ) order by Runstart desc
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